In conducting our business and operational activities we commit to provide our employees and contractors a safe working environment.

We aim to have a safe, secure, incident-free workplace and a goal of zero-injuries and zero-work related illnesses, which will contribute to improve our productivity and reliability.

To achieve excellence in safety, we emphasize that safety is not only the Management’s sole responsibility but also the responsibility of every employee in the organization.

We are commited

  • To provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment and system of work for all our employees.
  • To provide necessary training, supervision, information and instruction to ensure the safety and health at the work place for all our employees.
  • To have necessary arrangements in ensuring safety and absence of risk to health in connection with the use, operation, handling, storage and transport of equipments and substances.
  • To be responsible for the health and safety of others in the same work premise who may be affected by our activities.